Wednesday 30 November 2011

lovely action from UK

at last,british governments are taking a serious action against islamic regime in iran and that is a good news . its been a long time that islamic regime in iran was left alone to do whatever they want and now its pay back time . British governments are forcing those terrorism to shut down their embassy in London and to leave within 48h . good knows how happy I am .
I beleive  they should have done this long time ago ,because islamic embassy of iran was here to do nothing but spying. now they must go and
I hope pretty soon persians will get their freedom back after almost 33 years  of suffering .

Saturday 26 November 2011

3 dead kids have found in uromieh suburbs with no internal organs . this is how sanctions works for iranians . some people are selling their own organs to feed their familys and mollas are getting bigger and fatter.some other are kidnapping other peoples kids to sell their organs and make money. who do you think should be blame . i say american governments . because they saying we don't want to change the regime! i guess they are thinking all people are stupid! but they are making more enemies than before . I was thinking of american people. do they have any idea where those governments are heading? mrs. clinton is saying we dont want regime change in iran ! then my question is ,what is in their head? a brain ? or something else? no no . they make money with mollas . jimmy carther made this path for them to bring mor mess in the world and give americans the rights to become a sheriff in the glob.this is just an excuse to make more money and drink more oil and invade more countries and kill more and more . poor american people !
اگر نقطه غ را از غرب زدگی برداریم تبدیل میشه به عرب زدگی و این همان چیزی است که بر سر ایران رفته ولی رژیم تهاجم فرهنگی را فقط و فقط به غرب نسبت میده و پوشیدن شلوار لی و استفاده از ادکلن و لوازم آرایش را مثلآ از مصادیق آن قلمداد میکنه .باید دید مصادیق عرب زدگی چی هست. بوی گند پا و عرق بدن یقه کبره بسته دهان بد بو و پوشیدن نعلین و.... باقی را خودتان میتوانید حدث بزنید